Property for sale by Auction Infographic titled "Insurance Valuation Factors: Factors" displaying a scale icon, percentages, and four bullet points: 1) Insurance if aurance desunment, 2) Beth of the supceers connection, 4) 80% imroe valuation factor. Includes icons and percentages at the bottom highlighting why market value isn't what you should insure for home replacement values. Presented by World of Auctions

Property for sale by Auction Infographic titled “Insurance Valuation Factors: Factors” displaying a scale icon, percentages, and four bullet points: 1) Insurance if aurance desunment, 2) Beth of the supceers connection, 4) 80% imroe valuation factor. Includes icons and percentages at the bottom highlighting why market value isn’t what you should insure for home replacement values. Presented by World of Auctions