Recoveries & Receivership Services at Auctions

The World of Auctions recoveries and receivership experts work directly with lenders, Property owners and Property investors who anticipate that they may have Proven debts or defaulted loans. Where the lender would like to realise the value of their asset as quickly as possible.

World of Auctions Recoveries & Receivership Services

At World of Auctions, we are a team of seasoned professionals specializing in recoveries and receiverships. We work closely with lenders, property owners, and property investors who may have proven debts or possible defaulted loans. Our team operates across England, Wales, and Ireland, and we bring over 25 years of experience in recoveries and receiverships specialist areas.

Our Strategy

Our strategy is rooted in a cost-benefit analysis of all decisions, which we constantly review in line with market changes. We conduct a diligent and detailed investigation throughout the process and provide robust advice based on our extensive experience. We have navigated through entire property cycles which often stretch across 25 to 30 years, providing us with a wealth of knowledge to draw upon when making recommendations.

Our Services

1. Receivership Appointments: Our experts can swiftly take control of the property and manage LPA and Fixed Charge Receiverships through independent practitioners. We also offer pre-appointment advice and independent review and management of borrower strategy.

2. Liaison with Parties: We liaise with all parties involved, including other advisers, servicers, IPs, and solicitors, with the aim of quickly returning borrowed or owed money in the most efficient way possible.

3. Refinancing and Sales: We facilitate the return of borrowed or owed money through refinancing, loan sales, corporate sales, and direct property sales. We also offer advisory services to Administrators, Liquidators, Trustees in Bankruptcy on real estate strategy.

4. Asset and Development Management: We seek to maximize returns through asset management and development management where possible within the time available. We also offer Asset Management for consensual workout.

5. Loan Position Resolution: Our experts help resolve loan positions and deal with situations where property value may be eroding.

6. Receivership Services: Our independently appointed Receivers understand the property and the lender’s situation, discussing objectives and potential issues. They have access to a range of specialist disciplines, in the right locations, from within and outside our group of companies.

The Benefits of Appointing a Receiver

Appointing a receiver has several benefits including the ability to appoint quickly and without court process, creating a buffer between lender and borrower, specialist insolvency and asset management knowledge, duty to achieve the best price, primary duty of care to the lender, ability to insure, secure and protect the asset, greater control of rental income, and the ability to enhance value where appropriate.

Contact Us

For more information or to discuss potential services, please contact us at:

Here are some Useful Links

For additional information on receiverships and legal matters, the following links are provided: